Prayer: Effective Communication with God
Effective communication with God is the key to overcoming any life problem. Absalom overthrew his father King David, and attempted
Inspirational Quotes & Articles
Effective communication with God is the key to overcoming any life problem. Absalom overthrew his father King David, and attempted
Paul encouraged Corinthian Christians to maintain the purity, and abstain from activities that can trap them into sexual immorality. The
An act of exercising faith in God will always lead to a breakthrough. Anyone who devotes his or her trust
Humility is the key. Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples to demonstrate humility, and he challenged them to
Life is full of lessons to learn, and it sometimes consists of affliction and some tough situations to battle with.
Jesus Christ announced to all people that his salvation offer is the only determining factor for anyone to enter into
The good news is here! Jesus Christ will return to rapture his followers to heaven. (Rapture means transportation of believers
Holiness – The Fundamental Teaching of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, unlike other teachers of his time, taught fundamental truth and
Christians are warned to beware of a surge of immoral activities that would perpetuate our society in the last days
Jesus Christ proved himself as the living water to the world. In the scripture, a woman met the Messiah and