No mountain too high or a valley too deep
It may sound too good to be true, but the fact remains there’s no mountain too high or a valley
Inspirational Quotes & Articles
It may sound too good to be true, but the fact remains there’s no mountain too high or a valley
Whatever seems impossible to man is possible for God. Nothing is new under heaven; TRUST God. Have a good relationship
Your battles belong to God! Whenever a child of God cries for help, God takes the fight to the enemy.
The world is changing, but God hasn’t changed. Our call to repentance & holiness to meet God’s standard hasn’t changed.
God specially loves us above other creatures. Return the love by serving God with all your heart. Tags: christian church
Every child of God is expected to mature in God. He must be a good student of the Bible and
Christians must serve God during good and bad times. The Creator will reward our unconditional love afterward. God never fails.
Trial will transform to blessings for God’s children. Trial will cooperate with God’s purpose to make a Christian smile. #trial
Affliction is not convenient, but the right word for children of God is: “Stay strong!” Indeed, no child of God
Believers have inbuilt skills to preach the gospel wherever we go. Everyone has at least one unique ability to populate