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bible devotionA Christian who has backslided from faith can be restored by God. This lesson can be illustrated with God’s behavior to the people of Judah (in the bible). People of Judah were God’s children, but they sold themselves to sinful lifestyle. They became corrupted to the extent that God turned his back against them.

However, despite the sinful behavior of people of Judah, God promised to restore them into his true love. The Creator would buy them back from their sinful entrapment.

Jehovah promised to redeem his outcast children and restore them to have mutual relationship with him to enjoy his benefits. God would favor his children as promised,

“I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them back, because I have mercy on them. They shall be as though I had not cast them aside; for I am the Lord their God, And I will hear them” (Zechariah 10:6 NKJV).




Hope of Restoration for A Backslider


Every Christian is a child of God. Jehovah will redeem, restore, and forgive any of his children that have fallen from faith. That is, he will forgive and restore any Christian who has backslided.

God is loving and forgiving, and he will forgive our sins and bless us if we can turn to him. The ever gracious Lord will show us his loving-kindness and redeem our lands. He will also wipe off our painful memory and replace it with senses of calmness, peace, and joy.

However despite God’s enduring love and mercy, he still warned people not to take him for granted. He expects no one to live in a sin and hope for mercy at the same time. Every sinner must repent from his/her sins and turn to God to receive his mercy and forgiveness.

Consequences Remain For Unrepentant Sinners


Jehovah will punish an unrepentant sinner to the pit of hell fire! Therefore, it is important that everyone repent from his/her sins to appease God and obtain his mercy. We must have a genuine relationship with God to receive his abundant benefits.

God expects honest repentance from us all. The Creator will be proud to endow us with his goodness if we can walk uprightly before him.

Choose to honor God with dignity and serve him well so that you can prosper everyday of your life!

Pray for Strength to Serve God Well


Dear God please teach me how to serve you with honesty. Empower me to yield my complete life to you so that I can prosper. Let me be in your good book to receive your abundant benefits. Also, let your Holy Spirit empower me to faithfully serve you so that I can qualify for your eternal kingdom. Please bless me today, bless me tomorrow, and bless me everyday of my life! For in the name of Jesus Christ I make my requests. Amen.

Tags: backsliden, forgiveness, Lesson on repentance, love, prayer of grace, repentance, repentance of sin, Restoration, taiwo, temptation, trumpet media app
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James Taiwo is a spiritually-centered and passionate lover of people who is committed to making the world a better place. He is the founder of World Outreach Evangelical Ministry, a non-profit global Christian organization that raises people and promotes the gospel. James Taiwo is the author of several bestselling books, including “Book of Prayers”, “Pinnacle of Compassion”, “Bible Application Lessons”, “Success Express Lane”, “Bible Giants of Faith”, & others Learn More

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