Christians from all walks of life are called to prioritize their important task of gospel evangelization.
All believers must diligently propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone.
Christians must preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations.
Each Christian must understand that God is counting on him (or her) to preach the gospel.
We must all meet God’s mandate to populate his kingdom by preaching to people of all languages, nations, and tribes.
We must reach out to all races for the sake of winning them for Christ.
No Christian should assume the task of gospel evangelism belongs to someone else.
All believers – without exception – are called to preach the gospel. Therefore, every Christian must consider this important task as his primary assignment.
The bible declares,
“I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:1-4).
Believers must preach the gospel to give other people an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
To simplify the mandate of gospel evangelization and reinforce its importance, please read the notes given below.
Facts of Gospel Evangelization
FACT - No.1
The task of gospel evangelization is a must (and not a choice) for all Christians!
Any Christian who avoids the task of sharing his faith with others is already disappointing God.
Jesus requires all believers to preach the gospel. Christ stated,
Go ye and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19 KJV)
FACT - No.2
Gospel evangelization must be exercised without sentiment.
Each Christian must preach without prejudice. Believers must preach to people of different languages. We must reach out to people of different nations and tribes.
A Christian who does selective evangelism is not making a wise decision. Christ requires believers to go and make disciples of all nations.
Christian must preach the gospel of Jesus without reservations. We must preach to people of different nations, tribes, and tongues!
Christians must not allow tradition and/or culture to limit our gospel evangelistic effort.
FACT - No.3
Gospel evangelization must not be preached with convenience.
A Christian who preaches with convenience is a disappointment to God.
Believers are charged to “preach the gospel in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4). That is, we must preach when convenient and when not convenient.
Christians must preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at all times.
FACT - No.4
Gospel evangelization does not require a religion title.
A Christian who believes he need a religion title to preach gospel is immature!
Every Christian is qualified to preach the gospel. No theology required! No religion title required! God is well and able to convert any sinner with our simple message of the cross.
(Christ died for sinners; whoever believes him shall be saved – John 3:16).
A Christian must remain active for God whether he carries a religion title or not.
As a Christian, you must preach gospel whether you are a lay church member, a pastor, a teacher, a deacon, an evangelist, a bishop, a pope, or other.
Every Christian is commissioned to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at all costs!
FACT - No.5
Gospel evangelization is not bound with church denominations.
A person who relies on church affiliation as his basic need to preach gospel has missed the mark!
Church affiliation can provide support to aid the process of spreading the gospel, however, it is not a requirement.
In fact, Christians who crisscross their evangelistic efforts with multiple church denominations may record more success for God.
Consider working with believers from various denominations who can exercise their spiritual gifts for God.
Some Odds That A Christian Must Overcome to Preach Gospel
A Christian must focus on God rather than focusing on himself in order to receive the strength needed to preach the gospel.
“You are what you are by the grace of God.” Therefore you must consider it a priority to preach while you still have the breath of life in you.
In actuality, the day you stop preaching the gospel should be the day you die!
Christians would face resistance for the sake of the gospel. Every believer must understand the mandate placed on him to keep preaching the gospel while he fights his odds.
Don’t wait till you can overcome all your problems before sharing your faith with others.
Human wants are insatiable. No matter what you have, you will always need more! Therefore, it is wise for every Christian to manage his limited resources and preach the gospel effectively.
A good Christian will keep performing his religious exercise while he is still trusting God for more needed provisions.
As a Christian,
- Education must not be your barrier!
- Money must not be your barrier!
- Time must not be your barrier!
- Any other resources must not be your barrier!
A Christian who forgets he would be rewarded by God for effectively preaching gospel may be tempted to slow down his efforts.
God has promised tremendous rewards for people who prioritize gospel propagation to populate his kingdom.
No believer should forget that God will reward him in heaven for his good services.
You will have more honor in heaven if you can effectively preach the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Every Christians must understand he has the mandate to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at all times.
Believers are God’s workers, and we must bear profits for God’s kingdom at all costs!
We must make sizable efforts to meet God’s demand for gospel evangelization.
God expects each believer to prioritize evangelism above his aspiration and personal needs.
Jehovah will reward faithful believers with an imperishable crown of glory in heaven.
The Creator will not highly esteem a Christian who hoards the gospel for any reason.
Anyone who fails to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ will face unfavorable surprises on God’s last day of judgment.
Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to receive his benefits on earth and in heaven!
Prayer Will Aid You
Please pray an important prayer below to be empowered to preach gospel.
Dear God, please empower me to faithfully preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.
Energize me through your Holy Spirit to proclaim your good news everywhere.
Give me the grace to proclaim your gospel on the mountain and in the valley! Let me preach your gospel on social media and other platforms.
Empower me to promote your gospel from coast to coast, so that people of different races and culture can receive your Son Jesus Christ into their lives, and be saved.
Please help me to preach Christ’s gospel to my neighbors, friends, and family so that they can be saved!
Help me to remain loyal to you throughout the days of my life. Please keep me fit for your eternal kingdom.
For in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord I have prayed. Amen.
Tags: Angels Preach Gospel Revelation, Difference Between Gospel And Evangelism, Evangelism Explosion Gospel Tract, Evangelism Gospel Church, Evangelism Preaching Gospel, Gospel And Evangelism