An unwavering believer in God declares in the following manner:
I’m leaving the past behind to start a new walk with Christ. As I take each step towards a new journey with Christ, I leave behind all my baggage from the past. I am filled with immense hope as I embark on a new journey of faith and peace.
I know that with Christ, all things are possible, and I am ready to surrender myself to His will. The journey might not be easy, but I am ready to trust Him and have faith in His plans for my life.
There may be moments of challenge and struggle, but I am confident I can overcome all obstacles with God by my side.
I am determined to live a life that gives glory to Him and prioritize His teachings in everything I do. I ask Him to guide my path and to fill me with His love and grace during this new chapter of my life.
Tags: Born A Virgin Again, good news of God, unwavering faith