Inspirational Quotes & Articles
Compassion is defined as having the ability to “suffer with” someone; it goes beyond sympathy and empathy to a place where one can almost experience others’ pain and, as such, can determine how best to alleviate it. The Pinnacle of Compassion presents ten stories from the New Testament and how they zero in on the bottomless well of Christ’s compassion, setting the example of how we, too, can tap into our own wells to help heal a world that sometimes seems to be drowning in anguish and sorrow. Through a careful analysis and discussion of each tale, the reader is reminded that every living being—regardless of faith, gender, race, political affiliation or orientation—deserves the kind of true compassion that Christ offered to all he encountered.
It a time when the surrounding people are hurting and the question asked, “How can I help ease their pain?” James Taiwo takes the Bible and show the reader the man, Jesus, whom had the most compassion and how they can emulate it in their lives. The Pinnacle of Compassion: Ten Ways We Can Be More Like Jesus can be used in personal study, a study guide for a class, or in a spiritual book club. Though the author is Pentecostal, he sticks to the Bible teaching and the acts of Jesus. I found The Pinnacle of Compassion an interesting read. James Taiwo takes the time to outline acts of compassion and to encourage the reader to apply them to their own lives. The illustrated pictures show what the theme of each chapter will represent. I think people searching for answers on how to help those who are hurting people will find this helpful.
New York City author James Taiwo has united all aspects of his career to help implement the use of gospel to the speed driven technology of the times in which we live. He earned his Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering from Polytechnic University, New York and practices Civil and Environmental Engineering. Integrating his education and life goals James also earned his Doctor of Theology Degree from Lighthouse Seminary, Beebe Arkansas and is the founder and senior pastor of World Outreach Evangelical Ministry Inc., New York City, and also publishing Trumpet Media Ministries. He also is a musician – playing the saxophone! James’ books include BOOK OF PRAYERS, CHRISTIAN PRINCIPAL GUIDES, DIVINE INSPIRATION FOR DAILY LIVING, SUCCESS EXPRESS LANE, WHO WAS JESUS, REALLY?, BIBLE GIANTS OF FAITH, BIBLE APPLICATION LESSONS AND PRAYERS and now THE PINNACLE OF COMPASSION.
In James ‘ Introduction he suggests the direction of his message: ‘The life of Jesus on Earth was a life of compassion. He lived it and breathed it; therefore, it is not surprising that the bible is full of stories that associate Jesus with compassion. It took a great deal of compassion for him to leave his throne in blissful heaven to suffer and die for mankind. We were drowning in the mire of sin, and Jesus came to save us because he we full of compassion. Romans 5:8 tells us that Jesus came to die for us while we were yet sinners, and completely unworthy of this great gift. If we were worthy, we would have understood his reasons but, despite our unworthiness, he still came. …When Jesus came to Earth, he further demonstrated compassion through his stories and in the way he lived. He led an exemplary life, largely for the sake of his disciples and those who believed in Him, so they could see how He handled issues and do the same…’
What follows are ten ways we can be more like Jesus – ten stories (such as The Good Samaritan) from the New Testament and how they zero in on the bottomless well of Christ’s compassion, ‘setting the example of how we, too, can tap into our own wells to help heal a world that sometimes seems to be drowning in anguish and sorrow. Through a careful analysis and discussion of each tale, the reader is reminded that every living being—regardless of faith, gender, race, political affiliation or orientation—deserves the kind of true compassion that Christ offered to all he encountered.’
This book is bound to be of help to evangelical Christians and those for whom the practice of compassion would benefit. Grady Harp, January 19
The Pinnacle of Compassion: Ten Ways We Can Be More Like Jesus by James Taiwo is a great book that explores the concept of compassion through the Christian lens. Most people could use more compassion in their lives, and most people would like to extend compassion to those they meet. This is easier said than done however. This book illustrates several examples of Christ’s compassion through the use of Biblical stories, the Good Samaritan being a classic example of one who shows compassion to a complete stranger. Compassion can and should be extended to everyone, regardless of their race, religion, gender, etc. We must as people learn to cultivate compassion within ourselves and give it to others. This is a great short book that not only gives examples of compassion, but also includes a question section, and an application section at the end of each story to make the words and story more understandable, and hopefully inform us how to proceed in an actively compassionate way. Overall, a wonderful and timely book that will appeal to many. Highly recommend.
It a time when the surrounding people are hurting and the question asked, “How can I help ease their pain?” James Taiwo takes the Bible and show the reader the man, Jesus, whom had the most compassion and how they can emulate it in their lives. The Pinnacle of Compassion: Ten Ways We Can Be More Like Jesus can be used in personal study, a study guide for a class, or in a spiritual book club. Though the author is Pentecostal, he sticks to the Bible teaching and the acts of Jesus.
I found The Pinnacle of Compassion an interesting read. James Taiwo takes the time to outline acts of compassion and to encourage the reader to apply them to their own lives. The illustrated pictures show what the theme of each chapter will represent. I think people searching for answers on how to help those who are hurting people will find this helpful.