We Are Saved By Grace Through Jesus Christ
It is erroneous for any Christian to think that he was saved through his own work. No one is saved
Inspirational Quotes & Articles
It is erroneous for any Christian to think that he was saved through his own work. No one is saved
God promised to correct self-sufficient nations that solely believe in human knowledge and military strength for their means of security,
Jesus Christ alerted his disciples to prepare for persecutions from anti-gospel people. They would suffer difficult situations for the
Jesus Christ appointed his disciples for specific ministerial activities. (He also sent them to the field to evangelize his gospel,
Trumpet Media Editorial Faith That Works Than Charms! (Part 2) Faith in God works than charms, as earlier stated in
Holiness has always been God’s priority. Children of Israel sinned repeatedly against him with their unholy characters to the extent
Honest service means a lot to God. He reigns over the earth, and all people ought to honor him. People
Tithe Payment Is Important To God Tithe payment is God’s principle. He emphasized the need for Israelites to pay their